Most people are a little uneasy about visiting a new church. We hope a few words will help set your mind at ease about visiting our congregation. We are a diverse congregation that reflects the fact that God’s church is for all people. You will find that members of all different ages, race, education, backgrounds, and economic levels are made to feel comfortable in our service. We mean it when we say everybody is welcome at the Raytown Church of Christ.
We try to be a friendly church and to make our visitors feel comfortable. You will receive a warm greeting and not be single out, asked to stand, or in any other way may to feel embarrassed. We make it our goal to treat others the way we want to be treated, like Jesus said.
You will not be asked to make a donation. During the service, our members make their weekly contribution as an act of worship. Visitors are not obligated to participate.
Generally open with a brief welcome from one of the elders. During the service, the song leader leads the congregation in several songs. Prayers are offered, and the Lord’s supper is observed by partaking of unleavened bread and fruit of the vine. The preacher delivers a sermon from the bible. All are encouraged to bring their bibles and come be our guest. At the end of the sermon, the Lord’s invitation is offered for anyone who wants to become a Christian or re-dedicate their life to God. There is no pressure to do so. The service lasts about an hour. It is simple, reverent, orderly, and meaningful. Visitors may sit silently through the service, or they may participate.